Monday, October 26, 2015

Homemade Lotion.

Have you ever wondered what lotions are made of? Well, the ones you purchase in the store are made of many different things you probably can't even pronounce ;) We don't strictly avoid them alltogether, but I prefer to make my own or use coconut oil.

I didn't think much about lotion until someone had asked if I had a recipe for one, so began my search! I'm thankful she asked because it is so simple to make your own. I found this recipe on a blog I came across one day.

This recipe is very basic and if you want more moisture, I recommend looking for a lotion that has cocoa butter in it. I will be looking for one as it gets cooler in Michigan and my skin gets dry, so stay tuned for that.

What you need:

  • Aloe (unscented pure aloe)- I found ours at Harvest Health, I bought one of their mid-cheaper ones after reading all of the ingredients in each. 
  • Coconut Oil- I get mine at Aldi ($4.99 for 16oz)
  • Essential Oil- I used a small amount of lavendar. 
  • Container to put it in- I used an old coconut oil container. 
How to make it:
  1. Mix the aloe and coconut oil in equal parts in a bowl with a whisk. I recommend melting the coconut oil, I did not and it didn't mix very well. 
  2. Add essential oil; I did about 15 drops for my 16oz of lotion and it was good.
  3. That's right, it's that easy! 
I use this lotion daily after showers and it's been great! You don't need near as much and it is easy on sensitive skin.
Let me know how this works for you! If you tend to get extra dry skin you may need something with a little more moisture in it, such as something with cocoa butter.

Feel free to comment with any questions:)

Have a great fall week!


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