Monday, December 14, 2015

Homemade "Lysol"- works like a dream!

It sure has been a while! The holidays are here and that means we have been busy with parties, get togethers, and spending time with family. That doesn't mean I have stopped making my own cleaning products! Today's blog is all about how to make your own "lysol" to kill germs and keep your house smelling fresh and clean!

For a couple of years I stuck with my tried and true vinegar and water recipe, this year (probably because we had a baby) I just didn't really believe it was actually cleaning how deep I thought it was! Because of this I looked up a disinfectant spray and got to work. I happened to like the first one I made! Who would have thought.... Here is how you make it:


3 C water
3 T white vinegar
3 T dish soap (I use liquid castile)
15 drops tea tree essential oil
15 drops lemon essential oil

I often find myself making the recipe...probably once a week? Maybe less, the first times I made it I only made two cups, then I increased the recipe to fill my whole bottle, so we shall see how long it lasts now!

I use this cleaner for everything...I mean everyTHING... I wipe the counters after making food, I clean my bathroom, I wipe down side tables, I wipe down really any surface in our house with it when I clean. I love the smell, someone even asked me one time if it was Meyer's Clean Day! I was so thrilled, I knew I was using a good cleaner and paying pennies compared to Meyer's Clean Day! On top of's WAY more natural than anything you can buy at the store and I am confident in everything that I put into it:)

Let me know what you think if you try this cleaner!

Have a great week,


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

DIY Deodorant

Ever notice that your deodorant can leave marks on the armpits of your shirts if you sweat? Have you noticed shirts that you wear often have a lingering smell if you have sweat in them a number of times? Yes, it's totally true... I MAKE my own deodorant! Guess what?! It really works:)

Deodorant we buy in the store has so many added ingredients that are awful for our bodies. There is aluminum, aluminum? on my body? That sounds crazy... the stuff they put in it to make it an antiperspirant is also terrible for your body and actually causes your body to OVER produce sweat as a reaction...we need to sweat in order to get toxins out of our bodies and as gross as we may think it is, sweating is so good for us! Good news! I actually sweat LESS now that my body is used to the natural deodorant.

Call me crazy, but I love making my own deodorant and I know where EVERY single ingredient came from. You can make your own deodorant with just a few simple ingredients. I found my recipe on a blog that I found online.

Here is the recipe: 

1/3 C Coconut Oil (found at Aldi)
2 T baking soda (found at Aldi)
1/3 C Arrowroot Powder (found at Meijer/health food stores)
10-15 drops essential oils - I used tea tree and lavender.
1 container, I put mine in an old deodorant twist container

I first melted the coconut oil and then added the dry ingredients to the melted oil. I mixed it all together with a spoon then added tea tree and lavender oils. After it was all mixed together I poured it into the deodorant container and put it in the fridge to solidify.

**After you put this deodorant on you should wait a few minutes for it to absorb into your skin before putting your shirt on in order that the oils don't leave marks on your shirt. I made this mistake, and thankfully it does wash out!**

DISCLAIMER: You do have to use this deodorant for 1-2 weeks before your body will fully be able to adjust. I had to apply it a couple of times per day for a couple of weeks before I stopped smelling, I was pretty concerned it wasn't working, but I stuck it out and I love it!

Let me know what you think! I'm always up for trying new things:)

Have a great week!


Monday, October 26, 2015

Homemade Lotion.

Have you ever wondered what lotions are made of? Well, the ones you purchase in the store are made of many different things you probably can't even pronounce ;) We don't strictly avoid them alltogether, but I prefer to make my own or use coconut oil.

I didn't think much about lotion until someone had asked if I had a recipe for one, so began my search! I'm thankful she asked because it is so simple to make your own. I found this recipe on a blog I came across one day.

This recipe is very basic and if you want more moisture, I recommend looking for a lotion that has cocoa butter in it. I will be looking for one as it gets cooler in Michigan and my skin gets dry, so stay tuned for that.

What you need:

  • Aloe (unscented pure aloe)- I found ours at Harvest Health, I bought one of their mid-cheaper ones after reading all of the ingredients in each. 
  • Coconut Oil- I get mine at Aldi ($4.99 for 16oz)
  • Essential Oil- I used a small amount of lavendar. 
  • Container to put it in- I used an old coconut oil container. 
How to make it:
  1. Mix the aloe and coconut oil in equal parts in a bowl with a whisk. I recommend melting the coconut oil, I did not and it didn't mix very well. 
  2. Add essential oil; I did about 15 drops for my 16oz of lotion and it was good.
  3. That's right, it's that easy! 
I use this lotion daily after showers and it's been great! You don't need near as much and it is easy on sensitive skin.
Let me know how this works for you! If you tend to get extra dry skin you may need something with a little more moisture in it, such as something with cocoa butter.

Feel free to comment with any questions:)

Have a great fall week!


Monday, October 19, 2015

Cold and Flu Season is Here! Recipe- Hand Sanitizer.

We all know that in Michigan we have 4 seasons, we should add one more "Cold & Flu Season" (perhaps also "Construction Season" to make it 6). Many of us are constantly using hand sanitizer that we pick up at the store. With so many major brands/off-brands to offer, how do we choose? Our family chooses to make their own, it saves money and it's much safer for our bodies.

Often times the sanitizers we purchase at the store are alcohol and chemical laden, which is actually not good for our skin or our bodies. Sure, it gets rid of the germs 99% of the time, but it's still not good for us. Consequently, I went on a search for some recipes for hand sanitizers! I love making my own and I am confident that it is safe and effective.

This is the best I found with a 2% essential oil dilution from a facebook group I am a member of:

What you need:
  • 1 2oz glass spray bottle (found at Harvest Health)
  • 1 1/2 oz Witch Hazel (found at Harvest Health; that's 3/4 of the bottle, save yourself the measurement!)
  • 2 tsp Olive Oil (carrier oil)
  • 10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil (found at Harvest Health)
  • 8 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil (found at Harvest Health) 
What you do: 
  • Fill the 2 oz spray bottle 3/4 full or 3 tbsp Witch Hazel.
  • Measure 2 tsp olive or almond oil and pour into the spray bottle (we only had olive so I used it).
  • Put 10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil into the bottle. 
  • Put 8 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil into the bottle. 
  • Shake it before each use to make sure it is mixed. 
I carry this with me in our diaper bag at all times. I use it after every diaper change if there isn't a sink close by, and so far I am pleased!

If you try this, please let me know how it works for you:) 

Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Natural Face Wash

 Do you have acne prone skin? Oily skin? Are you sick of paying drug store prices to clean up your face with products that never seem to work? Have you thought of making your own face products?

For about 2 years (maybe more, I can't recall) I have been making my own face wash. It started with a Pinterest recipe... some oil mixed together (probably caster and olive) and then it developed into a wonderfully exfoliating face wash that I can not live without!

I will NEVER buy a face product from the store again. I tried everything before this trusty recipe, I used topical creams, 'natural' face wash from the store, wash that promised to clear my skin in _____ days; you know the drill with big companies promising things they can not hold to. I'm here to tell you I CAN promise you better skin with this face wash! I can't promise a timeline, but I can say if you make it and you stay dedicated to using it you will see results:) 

Before I started this face wash I had constant acne, not a ton, but big deep painful acne that could pop up at any moment, fairly oily skin and scaring. You ask, "How did that clean up with OIL?" Well, I'm here to tell you it did! The coffee in the wash helps to exfoliate scars and acne. The oil in the face wash rinses away the bad oils (ones that cause acne) that your face naturally produces and you are left with a clean moisturized face. Many of the products you purchase in the store dry out your skin which causes the skin to over produce oil and cause acne. I also have hardly used lotion on my face since I've used this product, occasionally if my face is extra dry I will use a little bit of coconut oil on it.

This facewash will also only cost you pennies and last you for at least half a year. I buy everything at Aldi and you can make multiple batches with just one trip; you may also have the products on hand already. Sugar = $1.89; EVOO = 2.99; Coffee = 2.00 (these are rough estimates).

Whats even better with this face was is you DON'T have to wash your face EVERY day. I literally wash my face with water every day and use this face wash 1-2 times per WEEK. In the beginning I did use it every other day, but now I don't need to.

Here is the recipe (equal parts each ingredient): 

Olive oil (sometimes a little more than equal parts oil)
White sugar
Caffeinated coffee
**you can play around with it and add some essential oils or lemon juice**

That's right! That is all you need!

I put mine into a mason jar. I will be transferring to a flip top jar soon because the top of the mason jar does show some rust over time.

I hope you try this. Please comment with any questions!

Have a great week everyone!


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Well, it sure has been a while! My last post was just after my Dad died in 2013. Whoa! A lot has happened since then and a lot has changed...let me share some of those changes.

I went from a life of just me to a life of two with my wonderful God-fearing husband in the summer of 2014. Here is a picture of us on that beautiful July day...Don't we look so happy? We still are :)

Shortly after we got married we found out we would no longer be just two, but three!! Here is our announcement from last year.

On May 1, 2015 we welcomed our little -I mean big- bundle of joy; weighing in at 9lbs 13oz she entered the world after a long hard labor. We are so continually thankful to our Lord for this precious child and we don't know what we would do if we were still just two! Here is a picture of our little sweetie...

 What a stinkin' cutie!

After all of begins our journey as a family to become more natural and use a lot less chemicals. I've spent some time researching homemade natural products and currently use a few already. I hope to use this blog to share success stories and probably some failures along the way about homemade-natural cleaners, household products, body products, etc. 

Some insight on the "natural" things we already do/have done...

  1. We use vinegar/water for a household cleaner. 
  2. We use cloth diapers with our little lady. 
  3. We use EVOO/cloth wipes for her bum over wet wipes.
  4. I make my own face wash, I have been using it for over 3 years with the BEST success I've ever had with any face wash. 
  5.  We used to use homemade laundry soap.
  6. We use organic garlic as an antibiotic to fight off colds and the like- thanks to my mom-in-law.
  7. We use coconut oil as a moisturizer.
  8. Random semi-natural fact: I JUST started brewing kombucha too!
Some of the natural things I HOPE to begin...

  1. Making an all-purpose natural cleaner.
  2. Making a natural toilet bowl cleaner. 
  3. Making a tub/shower cleaner. 
  4. Making baby wash/shampoo. 
  5. Making our body wash. 
  6. Making our own handsoaps. 
  7. I think the list could go on...just the top 6 on my mind:) 

Let's do this together! Feel free to follow, comment, share your natural recipes! I love hearing what other people are doing/have done.

Have a good one all!
